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Dr. Ming-Shan Yeh  

Publication Date 2022-02-14
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  • Diploma of National Ping Tung
    Institute of Agriculture,
    Department of Agriculture

  • Master Degree, University of
    Southwestern of Louisiana,
    Department of Civil Engineering

  • Doctoral Degree, Michigan State
    University, Department of Civil
    and Environment Engineering

Work Experiences

  • Office of Taipei Railway Undergound
    construction, Engieer, sector leader,
    dupety director of Paichiao Construction

  • Feng Chia University, Department of
    Traffic Engineering and Management,
    associate professor, and chairperson

  • Feng Chia University, Division of Student
    Affaire. Deputy director

  • Feng Chia University, The center of
    Leadership, director

  • Feng Chia University, The research
    center of traffic accident authentication,

  • Feng Chia University, Deaprtment of
    Transportation and logistic, professor

  • Taiwan Transportation Safety Board,
    borad member


    • Highway safety

    • Railway Safety

    • Traffic accident investigation and

    • Railway engineering

    Last updated 2023-08-01
    Count Views 685次