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Publication Date 2019-09-19
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One of the goals the ASC Investigation Laboratory trying to pursue is to reach 100% capability of flight recorder readout for national-registered civil and public aircraft. To accomplish this, the laboratory carries out national-registered aircraft flight recorder installation survey every year. In overall, tape-based CVR and FDR were completely phased out since 2015. With the recommendation regarding promotes use of 120 minutes CVR issued to the CAA, there were positive responses in this survey. The proportion of 120 minutes CVR installation continually increases from 91.5 % (2017) to 92.8 % (2018).

Due to old avionics and related regulation limitations, the helicopters maintained low recorder installation rate in the past. However, with the introduction of new aircraft into the fleet, the proportion of CVR installation is gradually increased from 29.63% (2017) to 54.2% (2018), in the meantime the proportion of FDR installation is gradually increased from 18.52% (2017) to 45.8% (2018) as well. For those helicopters still not equipped with flight recorders, ASC will keep encouraging operators and relevant organizations to evaluate LWR installation and flight data applications, so as to elevate the flight safety.

Until 31 Aug. 2018, the readout capabilities at ASC LAB for the surveyed CVR, FDR, portable GPS and LWR both in civil and public aircraft have all reached 100%.

Last updated 2019-09-19
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