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UAL 830 L/Cabin door been torn off during push back, the door hinge component broken

Publication Date 2005-06-07
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On June 6, 2005, at 0930 local time, a United Airlines flight 830, serial number N794, A/C type B777-200, was scheduling to carry passengers from CKS to Nagoya, Japan.
During push back, the left no. 2 cabin door was torn off by the passenger boarding bridge.
According to the initial notification, Crews and150 passengers deplaned safely after the incident.
Upon notified, the Aviation Safety Council sent a go-team to the CKS Airport and took on-scene investigating procedures. After examining the extent of the damage, the Aviation Safety Council has determined that the event is not an occurrence defined by the “Aviation Occurrence investigation Act”. The Civil Aeronautics Administration will continue the investigation of this incident while the ASC will provide required assistance, such as the CVR readout.

News coordinator
Safety Investigator
Tracy Jen


Last updated 2019-08-08
Count Views 737次