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The Association of East Asian Relations and the Interchange Association Foundation signed an Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Aviation Council, Taiwan and the ARAIC, Japan for joint co-operation, coordination & communication purpose.

Publication Date 2008-08-07
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An Memorandum of Understanding between the Association of East Asian Relations and the Interchange Association Foundation was signed at the ASC on May 5th, 2008. The main content includes corporation ,information sharing and assistance during investigation and other arenas.

The chairman of the ASC Dr. Wu,noted that he and ASC’s team acknowledge the importance that both countries established a formal cooperation framework to ensure the promotion of aviation safety since last April, hence the ASC and ARAIC have held numerous meetings and reached mutual understanding , Dr. WU also expressed his appreciation to the representatives from both countries and active support from both the Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Executive Council to make the agreement possible

Chairman Wu also stated that numerous international agreements have been signed with countries such as Canada, Australia, France, England and many others since the establishment of ASC in 1988. Through these agreements, the ASC and other investigation agencies established technical support based on the cooperation framework between the two and enhance aviation safety.

Communication & Congress Coordinator
Safety Investigator: Tracy Jen
Tel: 89127388-310 


Last updated 2019-08-08
Count Views 620次