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Cooperation agreement was signed by the ASC and NFA (National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior)

Publication Date 2008-08-07
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On June 6th, 2008, a cooperation agreement was signed by the ASC and NFA(National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior), which states the cooperation and interworking procedures between the two. The agreement, based on Administrative procedural law chapter 19, part 1 stating that “The administrative branches should assist each other within their jurisdictions to ensure the functionality and proficiency of the department” enounces the main purpose of the agreement is to strengthen the investigation work of aviation occurrence through the establishment of the interworking system between the branches.


In the future, the ASC should receive the assistances from the NFA in investigation work of aviation occurrence includes the following:, the supply of search and rescue personnel and specialized equipments to ensure theASC’s investigators arrival on scene in areas such as mountain ranges and other hazardous grounds when NFA manpower permit; the provision of hardware, examination, and equipments relating to the investigation work of the ASC aside communications between the two, and both parties are obliged to attend the training and workshops regarding aviation safety hosted by either party.

Through the signing of the agreement, both the NSA and ASC wishes to not only utilize government resources in the investigation work of aviation incidents, but also to establish a posstive relationship between the two for enhancing aviation safety purpose.

Communication & Congress Coordinator
Safety Investigator: Tracy Jen
Tel: 89127388-310 

Last updated 2019-08-08
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