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The 5th Accident Investigator Recorder (2008 AIR) Meeting

Publication Date 2008-09-23
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The 5th AIR (Accident Investigator Recorder) meeting hosted by the Aviation Safety Council is held at Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. The opening ceremony was conducted today by the ASC Managing Director Dr. Young. The 3 days meeting provides precious opportunity to exchange new ideas, best practice and technologies for all attendees. ASC, having witness the success and fruitful results from the previous meetings, follows the ATSB’s step to host this meeting. Agenda was organized as usual except an addition of the performance analysis topic, as concluded in the last meeting. More than 40 international and domestic speakers and investigators are participating the event.

The ASC Managing Director, Dr. Young, noted during the opening that recorder readouts hold two keys in terms of occurrence investigation and prevention. The need that all investigators shall keep up with the new technology is well recognized. During the past 10 years, ASC has been committed to improving Taiwan’s civil aviation safety through both reactive aviation occurrence investigations and proactive safety improvement measures. ASC is striving to the goal by continuing improvement on investigation techniques and lab capabilities.

Dr. Young encouraged every attendees to use AIR meeting as a platform to exchange information, share knowledge, and even foster friendship as the basis for a close collaboration.

Press contact -
Safety Investigator: Ms. Tracy Jen
Tel: +886-2-89127388-E310

Last updated 2019-08-08
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