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The Inauguration of the‘Aviation Safety Council’

Publication Date 2012-06-05
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The inauguration of the ‘Aviation Safety Council’ (ASC) was held at the conference room on 11th floor of Dapinglin Joint Development Building, Xindian on June 5, 2012.

The inauguration was hosted by Mr. Yang Chiu-shing, Minister without Portfolio of Executive Yuan. He stated in his speech that with the global trend the government started a crucial reorganization to promote our country’s competitiveness and the Aviation Safety Council, Executive Yuan, who actively cooperated the reorganization with assistance and efforts from many parties, has officially become an independent organization. In the past 14 years, ASC has performed occurrence investigations with independence and integrity, which has made a significant contribution to both Taiwan’s and international flight safety. Minister without Portfolio Yang expected that according to the principles of the reorganization, which are ‘efficiency, flexibility and efficacy’, together with the existing experiences in occurrence investigations, ASC would effectively promote the flight safety concerned by public with a brand new aspect under Chairman Chang’s leadership. He also believed that Chairman Chang would lead the ASC to make more progress and to have more international perspectives with his professional knowledge in flight safety and his experiences in administration.

ASC Chairman Dr. Yu-Hern Chang also addressed that in his welcome speech, ASC has renamed in Chinese as ‘Flight Safety Investigation Council’ (though the English name remains as Aviation Safety Council) by ‘the restructuring of the existing resources’ on May 20, 2012 to become an independent organization. Though the name has been changed, ASC’s nature remains the same. Concerning occurrence investigations, it is a totally independent and professional work and investigation results have to go through national, even international examinations and public reviews. Chairman Chang hoped that ASC would not only continue to enhance but also expand international cooperations as aviation is an international industry. In Taiwan, we not only pay attention to national flight safety but also have responsibilities to maintain the flight safety in area covered by our flight routes through occurrence investigations so that we do our duties as a world citizen and hope ‘safety’ is what everyone in the world can enjoy. At the same time ASC upholds the vision and the core value of independence, integrity and professionalism to perform occurrence investigation; meets the international standards; makes a definite contribution to flight safety and becomes an organization that the public trusts, in hopes of achieving the ideal of ‘world-class flight safety’.

Sherry Liu, Engineer
Tel: 89127388-330


Last updated 2019-08-08
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