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High School Students’ Aviation Occurrence Investigators Experience Camp

Publication Date 2016-07-12
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The Aviation Safety Council (ASC) will be conducting a“High School Students’Aviation Occurrence Investigators Experience Camp”(HSSAOIEC) on floors 11 and 15 meeting rooms, the Joint Development Building in Dapinglin, District of Xindian of the New Taipei City, on 12 July 2016.

The underlying purposes for designing such a one-day HSSAOIEC are to develop future aviation-safety-professionals by familiarizing the female high school students with the operation of aviation occurrence investigation, initiating their interests in this area, and, hopefully, by increasing the opportunity and ratio of female investigators in this area with a view to implementing the Gender Mainstreaming project.

The program for the 27 students from the National Lan-Yang Girls’Senior High School starts at 9:00 a briefing on the ASC, the work involved in aviation occurrence investigation, and the standard procedures to be followed. They will also visit the relevant investigation facilities involved, including the Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder read-out Rooms and the Animation Room. Upon completing the stationary activities in the morning, they will visit and observe on site the aviation occurrence investigations, such as the functions of protective dress against biological-and chemical exposures; how to wear these dress; on-site group discussion with regard to the measurement and taking of photographs; interviewing witnesses of the occurrence; observing the wreckage of aircraft; and checking the functions of the relevant instruments of the aircraft involved etc. This Aviation Occurrence Investigators Experience Camp will be completed after group discussion and summing up by the participants of an exciting and fruitful learning experience camp.

In view of the shortage of aviation personnel at a time of an ever-developing global aviation market, the only solution lies in a long-term and deep-rooted planning by encouraging the young students to direct their interests to aviation in practice at very early stage of their life; thus planting new seeds and developing future talents to meet the needs of aviation industries. Such biannual HSSAOIEC is meant to spread the seeds of aviation-safety personnel among the high school students, to arouse their interests in this crucial area, and to ensure that they will join this career eventually. The ASC welcomes most enthusiastically the participation by high school students.     


Sherry Liu, Engineer
Tel: 89127388-330


Last updated 2016-07-12
Count Views 561次