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China Airlines Flight CI704 Occurrence

Publication Date 2016-10-03
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On October 1, 2016, at 1645 Taipei time, China Airlines scheduled passenger transport flight CI704, an A330-300 aircraft, registration number B-18307, took off from Manila Interenational Airport, Philippines for Taoyuan International Airport, Republic of China. At 1928 after landing roll on runway 23 at Taoyuan International Airport, the aircraft had the tailstrick while the flight crew carried out go around. At 1936 the airport changed runway 05R due to the weather factor. At 1944 the aircraft declared emergency (PAN PAN PAN). At 1959 the aircraft landed on runway 05R. After the aircraft landing, the flight operation department of Taoyuan Airport carried out runway 23 inspection and found strike marks and aircraft's debris then decided to close the runway. The belly structure skin damage of the aircraft was observed during the ASC on site investigation.

The ASC confirmed that this event is an occurrence in accordance with the “Aviation Occurrence Act”. The Investigator-In-Charge and an investigation team was assigned to this investigation.

Further information of the occurrence will be published after the completion of the factual information report.


Sherry Liu, Engineer
Tel: 89127388-330

Last updated 2016-10-05
Count Views 572次