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Releases 0220 SuperBingo Ultra-light Vehicle Occurrence Investigation Report

Publication Date 2016-11-29
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The Aviation Safety Council (ASC)releases Final Report on investigation of a private ultra-light vehicle, model Super Bingo manufactured by Italy ICP, had forced landing on a dry riverbed of Wu-kai river approximately 21 km south from Taichung Airport at around 03:00PM. The vehicle was destroyed by the impact. According to witnesses, two people on board left the vehicle by themselves after the forced landing.

Witness indicated that the ultra-light vehicle flew from the direction of Chung-chang overpass. It flew lower and lower even approaching to the water surface. Another witness statement indicated that there were two ultra-light vehicles flew over that area in the afternoon. A yellow ultra-light vehicle sounded anomaly and then it began descending. Finally it had forced landing on the weed of riverbed and tumbled over. There were two people, one man and one woman, walking away from the crash site. Both suffered contusion on their faces. A car came to a road nearby and picked them up.

The Final Report was reviewed and approved by ASC's 50th Council Meeting on October 25, 2016. The findings and Safety Recommendations from the Final Report as follows,


With the examination of engine and propellers, the ultra-light vehicle was loss of power at impact. The airspace that the ultra-light vehicle flew was not permitted by the CAA. There was no approved airfield for ultra-light vehicle nearby the crash site. The operators of the ultra-light vehicle left the scene after the occurrence and could not be identified. The ultra-light vehicle had no inspection certificate and did not belong to any approved ultra-light vehicle activity association. The occurrence was a violation of regulations related to ultra-light vehicles. Neither the local government takes effective measurement to enforce the law of legal construction and land usage which directly relates to ultra-light vehicle airfield and hangar, nor proactively assists legalization of the operator's activity for ultra-light vehicle operation. The local government also did not positively cooperate with the initiative of enforcement of ultra-light vehicle airfield for public safety from Civil Aeronautics Administration to effectively prevent or reduce the public risk caused by the illegal flight of ultra-light vehicles.

Safety Recommendations

To Civil Aeronautics Administration

  1. Continue to establish a coordination and cooperation mechanism between government ministries and local governments, in order to suppress illegal ultra- light vehicle activities, and assist the legalization of such business assess the effectiveness of the actions regularly.
  2. Continue to coordinate with National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior and local police departments to provide assistance according to Administrative Procedure Act, in order to further suppress illegal ultra light vehicle operations and thus levying penalties.

To Taichung City Government

  1. Taking positive and specific actions to enforce the law of legal construction and land usage which directly relates to ultra-light vehicle airfield and construction to effectively prevent or reduce the public risk caused by the illegal flight of ultra-light vehicles.
  2. Assisting Civil Aeronautics Administration's enforcement of illegal flight of ultra-light vehicles.

To Chunghwa County Government

  1. Taking positive and specific actions to enforce the law of legal construction and land usage which directly relates to ultra-light vehicle airfield and construction under jurisdiction to effectively prevent or reduce the public risk caused by the illegal flight of ultra-light vehicles.
  2. Assisting Civil Aeronautics Administration's enforcement of illegal flight of ultra-light vehicles.


The full Final Report is in Chinese only and available for download at ASC website:


Contact: Sherry Liu, Engineer
Tel: 89127388-330

Last updated 2019-11-07
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