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The Initial occurrence report of TRA’s train number 3501 and 333 coexisted at same block interval

Publication Date 2019-09-20
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On August 28, 2019, local train 3501 of Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC (TRA), departed at 05:20 a.m. from Chaozhou Station, bound for Taitung Station. While leaving Jiadong Station, train driver 3501 found that the front level crossing block was not actuated and stopped the train immediately. Subsequently, the Tze-Chiang Limited Express 333, a non stop train at Jiadong station, passed a wayside indicator showing proceed indication.  However, the driver saw train 3501 stopped on the platform track which should be clear for train passing on, and applied brake immediately. Both train 3501 and 333 were safe. No one on board was injured.

After receiving the TRA occurrence notification on September 6, in accordance with the Transportation Occurrence Investigation Act, Taiwan Transportation Safety Board (TTSB) identified this event was a railway occurrence as two trains coexisted at same block interval. The Investigator-In-Charge was assigned and launched the investigation team immediately to proceed the occurrence investigation.

Further information about the occurrence and progress of the investigation will be published on TTSB website.




Sherry Liu, Safety Investigator
Tel: 89127388-6286

Last updated 2019-09-20
Count Views 859次