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The Preliminary Occurrence Report of TRA’s Train No.207 at Fulong Station

Publication Date 2021-12-08
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At around 08:52 a.m., December 1, 2021, the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) Taroko Express Train No. 207, departed from Shoufeng Station bound for Shulin Station, the cockpit window was hit and crashed by the rail pile which slides from the side slope worksite around K32+800 (between Dali, Yilan and Fulong, New Taipei City). There were no fatalities in this occurrence.

After receiving the notification, TTSB immediately dispatched 4 investigators in conjunction with staff from Railway Bureau, MOTC and TRA to the scene, performing evidence and relevant information collections. The TTSB identified that this event was a railway occurrence in accordance with the Transportation Occurrence Investigation Act. The Investigator-In-Charge was assigned and an investigation team was launched to conduct the investigation.

Further information and progress of investigation will be published on the TTSB website.


Vivi Yang, Executive Officer
Tel: +886-2-7727-6217


Last updated 2021-12-08
Count Views 472次