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How does the Aviation Safety Council help prevent aviation occurrences?

Publication Date 2019-08-08
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        The Aviation Safety Council (ASC) was established in May 1998, and its main function is the aviation occurrence investigation. The purpose of aviation occurrence investigation is "find the probable causes through occurrence investigation, proposed Safety Recommendations to prevent similar occurrences happening again." Demand the ASC need to identify when investigating aviation occurrences the unsafe acts, propose safety recommendations, and demand the relevant organizations need to make a specific and feasible improvement plan accordingly. To prevent the similar incidents from happening again. However, the occurrence investigation is a remedial measure. The ASC will proactively and actively beforehand to prevent occurrences from happening. The ASC has closely contact with the domestic and foreign relevant institutions. Many aviation related research and development tasks been done is described below.

  • Aviation Safety Special Projects
    • u  Safety management system: to enhance the correct concepts of investigation occurrence, the ASC develop the training materials of safety management system and investigation guidelines used by investigators.
    • u  Aircrafts overrun/veering off runway occurrence investigation team: the purpose is to continue increase the capacity to analyze aircrafts overrun/veering off runway accidents and gradually develop the investigation process for slippery runways investigation.
    • u  Cross-strait Aviation Occurrences Terms Comparison Table: collect and compile cross-strait aviation occurrences terms and compare regulations related to aviation occurrence investigation. The comparison table is in response to future cross-strait occurrence investigations.
    • u  Aviation occurrence investigation regulation to the protection of aviation safety data: using the regulations of ICAO and other countries' accident investigation agencies as references for revising the "Aviation Occurrence Investigation Act" and its regulations in the future.
    • u  Using cockpit voice recordings to understand flight crew members' physical and mental changes under different pressure: analyze flight crew members' vocal and physical changes under high pressure and use the analysis as reference of investigation for human factors in the future.
  • Taiwan Confidential Aviation Safety Reporting System(TACARE): The reporting system is to provide a channel for aviation professionals to share their own experience and identified risk factors that may be hazardous to aviation safety, the system's "confidentiality" and "immunity" is guaranteed by the ASC.
  • "EU Aviation Safety Database System" team: the ICAO Annex 19 provides that "States must establish and maintain a database of aviation safety, in order to collect and effectively analyze existing or potential safety deficiencies, and develop any preventive action that must be taken". To comply with the SARPs of the International Civil Aviation Convention, the ASC uses the "European Coordination Centre for Accident / Incident Reporting System" (ECCAIRS) developed by the "Joint Research Centre" (JRC) as framework, to renew our country's "Aviation Occurrence Database".


Last updated 2019-08-08
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