Does the Aviation Safety Council have contact with other international aviation occurrence investigation agencies or organizations?
The Council has maintained very close contact with foreign investigating agencies, cooperation agreements been singed with following countries:
- Australian Transport Safety Bureau(ATSB)
- Transportation Safety Board of Canada(TSB)
- French Accident Investigation Agency(BEA)
- The UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch(AAIB)
- Japan Transportation Safety Board(JTSB)
- Korean Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Board(KARAIB)
- The US National Transportation Safety Board(NTSB)
The Council has also actively joined international organizations of aviation safety and accident investigation, delegates are participating to the annual meeting of the organizations every year, exchanging technologies and experiences professional investigators from across the world, including International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI), International Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), International Transportation Safety Association (ITSA), Accident Investigators Recorder Meeting (AIR Meeting) and the International Confidential Aviation Safety Reporting System (ICASS).
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