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What were the contributions the ASC has made for the improvements of domestic airport management, facilities, and runway safety?

Publication Date 2019-08-08
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        The ASC has proposed 26 aviation Safety Recommendations for domestic airports in the aviation occurrence investigation reports. Among them the 12 recommendations were issued to Taoyuan International Airport, 10 to Songshan International Airport, 2 to Kaohsiung International Airport, 1 to a civil and military airport and 1 to other domestic airport. Through these recommendations and corrective actions, the airport to management, facilities, runway safety and compliance with international standards have been significantly improved, summarized as follows:

        Improvement at Taoyuan Airport: include refurbishing the prominent manholes on the runway strip to level with ground surface, the transverse runway strip slope to comply with international standards, and manhole structures on runway strip etc.

        Improvement at Songshan Airport: include improvement of the runway strip, grading and runway end safety area, the marking, signage, taxiway edge light and aircraft stand spacing on apron, and implement feasibility study on runway centerline lights setting etc.

        Improvement at Kaohsiung Airport: include completing an underground drainage system, improving the uncovered V-shaped ditch, carrying out a five-year urban renewal plan, and improving runway safety zone etc.

        Improvement at the civil and military airport: measure should be taken to prevent an airplane’s wheel, when sinking into the ground, from striking a hard vertical face.

        Improvement at each domestic airport: visual contact navigation aids have been improved to comply with the ICAO standards .


Last updated 2019-08-08
Count Views 936次