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資料發布日期 103-09-18
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事故名稱 國泰航空公司 CX 521 班機 A330-300 型機 國籍標誌及登記號碼 B-HLH 因暫時性艙壓供氣異常緊急下降事故
改善建議編號 ASC-ASR-10-08-013
受建議單位 國泰航空公司
改善建議狀態 非本國政府機關,由其相關主管機關督導


Consider evaluating the maintenance program for ThC shop-in service or overhaul interval before the new grid filter design or modification come to effect.


11/0/20104 CPA (Cathay Pacific Airways)

CPA response
In addition to the information already provided in the TW-ASC final report in the section describing safety actions already taken by CPA. Nil further
Thermostat (ThC) Reliability Recovery Plan:
Initial action - remove all ThCs with TSI > 15000 FH.
Current ThC overhaul programme.
Weibull analysis shows an interval of 3100 FC will provide a failure rate of (less than) 25%.
ThC will be removed and sent to Liebherr for overhaul when they have accumulated 3100 FC.
High time ThC replacement is ongoing (Spare provision & workshop TAT driving program).
AMS task already raised to remove ThC based on 3100 FC life limit.



最後異動時間 111-12-08
點閱次數 685次