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資料發布日期 103-09-18
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事故名稱 國泰航空公司 CX 521 班機 A330-300 型機 國籍標誌及登記號碼 B-HLH 因暫時性艙壓供氣異常緊急下降事故
改善建議編號 ASC-ASR-10-08-016
受建議單位 國泰航空公司
改善建議狀態 非本國政府機關,由其相關主管機關督導


Require cabin crew members to review cabin depressurization related procedures including provide oxygen bottle side effect information, manually opening the oxygen cover panel to initiate oxygen flow; enhance cabin crew depressurization training.


11/0/20104 CPA (Cathay Pacific Airways)

CPA response
The Cabin Crew Safety and Emergency Procedures Manual has been amended to include information on the effects of generation of oxygen from the chemical system-i.e possible smell of burning and smoke (where dust has gathered), along with cabin temperature increase. The manual also covers when and how to use the Manual release Tool (MRT) to open the PSU panel. Bothe points are covered during cabin crew training.



最後異動時間 111-12-08
點閱次數 678次