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資料發布日期 103-09-18
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事故名稱 日本航空公司 JAL 653 班機 B767-300ER 型機 日本國登記號碼 JA613J 桃園國際機場進場階段客艙冒煙起火
改善建議編號 ASC-ASR-10-12-006
受建議單位 日本民航局
改善建議狀態 非本國政府機關,由其相關主管機關督導





JCAB response

The JCAB recognizes that the proposal to prohibit carrying “Blue Flame” or “Cigar” lighters made in the 22nd ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP) in October 2009 and the proposal for the additional recommendation that cigarette lighters must have two means of requiring activation made in the 11th ICAO DGP Working Group (WG) in April 2011 are still under consideration in the ICAO DGP scheme.
The expert nominated by the JCAB has actively participated in these discussions about the above proposals through the ICAO DGP scheme and will continue to do so based on the safety recommendation(s).


飛安會意見: 接受。


最後異動時間 111-12-05
點閱次數 829次