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資料發布日期 105-12-19
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事故名稱 復興航空公司 GE235 班機 ATR72-212A 型機 國籍標誌及登記號碼 B-22816 於臺北松山機場東方3浬處失去控制墜毀於基隆河
改善建議編號 ASC-ASR-16-06-015
受建議單位 歐洲航空安全署
改善建議狀態 非本國政府機關,由其相關主管機關督導


Study the content and the duration of the minumum requirement regarding a differences training program between a conventional avionics cockpit and an advanced suite including enhanced automated modes for aircraft having the same type rating.


European Aviation Safety Agency 08. SEP. 2016



The Certification Specifications for Flight Crew Date (CS-FCD) require aircraft manufactures to submit Operational Suitability Data (OSD) for pilot type rating training for a specific aircraft. The OSD is subject to approval as part of the type certification process. It defines a minimum syllabus for a type
rating, as well as training areas of special emphasis. EASA has reviewed the provisions regarding the content and duration of the differences training program within type ratings, and has concluded that they provide an acceptable level of safety.

Furthermore, the current set of EU civil aviation safety regulations, reflecting the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annexes 1 and 6, provides the framework for teraching and assessing basic airmanship through initial training, skill tests, proficiency checks, Crew Resource Management (CRM) training, type training, operator's recurrent training, line flying under supervision
(LIFUS)and line orienteed flight training (LOFT).

Additional defences are provided through the EU provisions on operator's safety management systems including the associated risk assessment and     mitigation models. This should ensure that any weaknesses related to the issue described in the safety recommendation are identified and corrected.
The applicable regulations are:

•Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 on airworthiness, relevant AMC and GM and the associated Certification Specifications for Flight Crew Data (CS-FCD);
•Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 on aircrew;
•Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations.

Status: Closed-Partial agreement


最後異動時間 114-01-03
點閱次數 1277次