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資料發布日期 105-12-19
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事故名稱 復興航空公司 GE235 班機 ATR72-212A 型機 國籍標誌及登記號碼 B-22816 於臺北松山機場東方3浬處失去控制墜毀於基隆河
改善建議編號 ASC-ASR-16-06-014
受建議單位 歐洲航空安全署
改善建議狀態 非本國政府機關,由其相關主管機關督導


Require a review at industry level of manufacturer's functional or display logic of the flight director so that it disappears or presents appropriate orders when a stall protection is automatically triggered.


European Aviation Safety Agency 08. SEP. 2016



A design change is planned in the avionics suite, addressing the intent of the Safety Recommendation.
The current schedule is to have this design change approved before the end of 2017.

Status: Open





European Aviation Safety Agency 22. March 2018



Design change MOD 7474-New Avionic Suite (NAS) Standard 3 has been approved on 23 June 2017, addressing the intent of the Safety Recommendation. After NAS Standard 3, upon stall or unusual attitudes, Flight Display bars are now removed.



Status: Close


最後異動時間 110-03-12
點閱次數 1309次