事故名稱 | 復興航空公司 GE235 班機 ATR72-212A 型機 國籍標誌及登記號碼 B-22816 於臺北松山機場東方3浬處失去控制墜毀於基隆河 |
改善建議編號 | ASC-ASR-16-06-014 |
受建議單位 | 歐洲航空安全署 |
改善建議狀態 | 非本國政府機關,由其相關主管機關督導 |
改善建議內容 |
回覆往來紀錄 |
Response: A design change is planned in the avionics suite, addressing the intent of the Safety Recommendation.
European Aviation Safety Agency 22. March 2018
Response: Design change MOD 7474-New Avionic Suite (NAS) Standard 3 has been approved on 23 June 2017, addressing the intent of the Safety Recommendation. After NAS Standard 3, upon stall or unusual attitudes, Flight Display bars are now removed.
Status: Close